Sunday, January 10, 2016

There are good people in the world!

My last blog post was not the most happy nor positive. It was in regards to the growing number of homeless people in Colorado and in the nation as well. How there is SO much money in programs and taxes on business owners but yet there is nothing being done about it. Today, I met someone who instantly put a smile on my face. His name is Cory and he is the true definition of genuine. While taking a stroll down Denver's sixteenth street mall where the majority of homeless and down on their luck people reside during the day and even sleep at night, I observed Cory stop for everyone holding a sign or sitting on a sidewalk. He quickly reached into his wallet with no questions asked and gave. When I say gave I mean he actually GAVE. Not change, not a dollar, but he gave people enough for at least a meal. He then smiled and simply walked away. This time of philanthropy and true love for human life is what we need to see more of. Times are hard these days, yet there are so many people who have who are only out to get more. What about helping the little guy, what about those who are down on their luck not because of drugs or alcohol but because of situations like the steady increase in the cost of living and steady decreased in jobs that pay enough to survive. When I see people like Cory it makes me think that there is more that can be done. In fact I KNOW that there is more that can be done. The only problem is that the ones that can truly help aren't. Their greed driven and selfless. So to those that hold the power to change, let's start. Forget the greed, forget the power struggles. If enough of us started to care more, this world would be a better place. If more of us would stress the importance of education there would be more Cory's and less people who need that type of help.


  1. I am so proud of Cory for doing this. I know him personally and so glad I was a part of helping him to be the fine young man he is today.

  2. Hello Jeremiah, and Cory. I Terry Davis would love to be apart of that. Please reach out to me and tell me what I can do.
